小马王 Spirit Riding Free系列电影《野性精神 Spirit Untamed》 2021 又名:史比瑞:奔向自由 英语发音 中英双字 mp4/1080P超清 百度网盘下载

小马王 Spirit Riding Free系列电影《野性精神 Spirit Untamed》 2021 又名:史比瑞:奔向自由 英语发音 中英双字 mp4/1080P超清 百度网盘下载

《野性精神 Spirit Untamed》幸运的普雷斯科特的生活永远改变了,当她从她在城市的家搬到一个边疆小镇,并与一只名叫“精灵”的野马交上了朋友。这部小马王系列电影《野性精神》在2021年下半年上映。

If you are an eight-year-old girl and/or you love horses, you will fit into the slim Venn diagram sliver that constitutes the ideal audience for “Spirit Untamed”.


This sorta-sequel, sorta-reboot draws inspiration, such as it is, from the 2002 film “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron” as well as from the Netflix series “Spirit Riding Free.” Merced, star of the surprisingly hilarious(adj. 欢闹的;非常滑稽的;喜不自禁的) live-action “Dora and the Lost City of Gold”, lends her voice to the plucky(adj. 有勇气的,大胆的) tween character of Lucky Prescott, whose given name is Fortuna. She’s a city girl who’s been living with her Aunt Cora (Moore) since the death of her mother, a celebrated stunt rider, a decade earlier.


But during this particular Summer That Changed Everything, Lucky travels west with her aunt to visit her estranged(adj. 分居的;疏远的,不和的;与某事物脱离的,决裂的)father, Jim (Gyllenhaal), in the small town where she was born. While their relationship is understandably strained at first, Lucky takes quickly to a wild mustang, whom she calls Spirit. Several characters helpfully comment on the fact that the horse has a lot of Spirit, hence the name. But her dad doesn’t want her riding any horse—especially such a rambunctious one—given that Lucky’s mom, Milagro, died in a riding accident. Spirit’s fierce and wily personality is an example of the banal anthropomorphizing at play throughout director Elaine Bogan and co-director Ennio Torresan’s film. (Kristin Hahn, Katherine Nolfi, and Aury Wallington wrote the script).

但在这个改变一切的夏天,Lucky和她的姨妈一起向西旅行,回到她出生的小镇,拜访了和她生疏的父亲吉姆(吉伦哈尔)。当然,他们的关系一开始很紧张,但Lucky很快就认识了一匹野马,她称它为Spirit。但其实她的父亲并不希望她骑任何马——尤其是这么吵闹的马——因为幸运儿的妈妈米拉格罗就死于骑马事故。Spirit 凶猛而狡猾的个性是导演伊莱恩·博根和联合导演恩尼奥·托雷森电影中平庸拟人化的一个例子。(克里斯汀·哈恩、凯瑟琳·诺尔菲和奥里·沃灵顿写了剧本)。

While that connection is pretty basic in its heart-warming nature—she feeds him apples, he lets her get near him—the bond Lucky shares with the two new friends she makes in town provides an actual spark to “Spirit Untamed.” Trick rider Pru (Martin) and jokey songstress Abigail (Grace) teach her the basics of horsewomanship, and the three make a lively group. Yes, their main purpose here is to stop a dastardly(adj. 卑鄙的;懦弱的)horse wrangler from stealing Spirit and his pals. (You know he’s a bad guy because he wears a goatee and is voiced by Walton Goggins.) But they also have a lot of fun along the way, whether it’s singing a silly song as they ride through the hills or giggling(咯咯地笑,giggle的现在分词) by the campfire as they roast marshmallows.


These scenes, which take place in wide-open spaces and contoured(adj. 波状外形的) slot canyons, can be quite lovely. Similarly, a moment here or there with morning sunlight streaking through a window, for example, has a soft, pastel appeal.


小马王 Spirit Riding Free系列电影《野性精神 Spirit Untamed》 2021 又名:史比瑞:奔向自由 英语发音 中英双字 mp4/1080P超清 百度网盘下载

视频名称:野性精神 Spirit Untamed

又名:小马王:毛驹无束(港) / 奔驰吧!小马王(台) / 史比瑞:奔向自由 / 不羁的精神 / Spirit Riding Free




视频语言:英语发音 中英字幕

视频类型:冒险 | 西部









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